Acem in der Forschung

In einem neulich erschienenen, groß angelegten amerikanischen Überblick über Meditationsforschung wurde 31 Mal Bezug auf Acem Meditation genommen; dabei wurden sieben Studien über Acem Meditation evaluiert.


Überblick über die Meditationsforschung


In einer groß angelegten amerikanischen Überblick über Meditationsforschung wurde 31 Mal Bezug auf Acem Meditation genommen; dabei wurden sieben Studien über Acem Meditation evaluiert.

 Die 500-seitige Besprechung »Meditation Practices for Health: State of the Research« (Gesundheitsfördernde Meditationspraktiken: Der Stand der Forschung) von Ospina et al. wurde von unabhängigen Forschern im Auftrag des Büros für Gesundheitsforschung und –qualität des US-Gesundheitsministeriums zusammengestellt. Der Großteil der Studien beschäftigt sich mit Bluthochdruck, Herzerkrankungen und Drogenmissbrauch. Der Überblick kommt zu dem Schluss, dass Meditation positive Auswirkungen auf Bluthochdruck und andere Probleme hat. Er ist in seiner kompletten Form hier (pdf) erhältlich.


Der norwegische Arzt und Wissenschaftler Erik E. Solberg, ein Fachmann für innere Medizin, Kardiologie und Sportmedizin, ist mit acht Veröffentlichungen in der Referenzliste vertreten. Seine Doktorarbeit aus dem Jahre 2004 behandelt vornehmlich die psychophysiologischen Effekte der Acem Meditation.
 Seine Thesen sind im kürzlich erschienenen Buch: Fighting Stress: Reviews of Meditation Research. (Kampf gegen den Stress: Ein Überblick über die Meditationsforschung) zusammengefasst. Darin sind auch allgemeinverständliche Besprechungen weiterer Meditationsforschungsprojekte enthalten.


Der weitere Artikel existiert bisher leider nur in englischer Sprache.

Winding down the brain waves with Acem Meditation
Experienced Acem meditators display a considerably larger amount of slow brain waves when they meditate than during ordinary rest. This includes both alpha waves, which are typical of relaxed wakefulness, and theta waves, which may indicate deeper relaxation. Typically, theta waves occur in frontal areas of the brain, while alpha waves occur further back.

(See Jim Lagopoulos, Jian Xu, Inge Rasmussen, Alexandra Vik, Gin S. Malhi, Carl F. Eliassen, Ingrid E. Arntsen, Jardar G. Sæther, Stig Hollup, Are Holen, Svend Davanger, and Øyvind Ellingsen, Increased Theta and Alpha EEG Activity during Nondirective Meditation, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 15, no. 11, 2009, pp. 1187-1192.)


A milestone has been reached: First PhD on Acem Meditation

In 2004, the first doctoral thesis on Acem Meditation was successfully defended at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway. In seven studies, Erik Ekker Solberg explored the psychobiological effects of Acem Meditation.

Dr. Solberg is a specialist in internal medicine, cardiology and sports medicine. Recently he started in his new post as senior consultant in cardiology in an Oslo hospital. He has practised Acem Meditation since 1971 and has been an instructor in Acem since 1975. He lives in an Oslo suburb with his wife and little daughter. During the last twelve years, he has spent most of his time working on his thesis and admits that he is relieved the work has now borne fruit. Read more here.


Let the heart relax with Acem Meditation
Acem Meditation reduces heart rate more strongly and stably than ordinary rest, and long meditations enhance the effect. A slow heart rate is usually considered to indicate relaxation. In a study comparing advanced Acem meditators with a control group that rested without meditating, the average heart rate dropped more markedly for the meditators than for the control group. For the meditators, average heart rate continued to drop during the second hour of meditation. (See Erik E. Solberg, Øivind Ekeberg, Are Holen, Frank Ingjer, Leiv Sandvik, Per A. Standal, Agneta Vikman, Hemodynamic Changes During Long Meditation, Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Volume 29, Issue 3, September 2004, Pages 213 – 221.)


Rest without sleep with Acem Meditation
Advanced practitioners of Acem Meditation have higher levels of melatonin than non-meditators. On the other hand, melatonin levels decrease markedly during long meditation, but not during ordinary rest. These results show that neurotransmitters such as melatonin (but not serotonin, which produced the same results in meditators and non-meditators) may play a role in producing the results of meditation. They also indicate that the relaxation produced by meditation is different from that produced by sleep, when melatonin levels increase. (See Erik E. Solberg, Are Holen, Øivind Ekeberg, Bjarne Østerud, Ragnhild Halvorsen, Leiv Sandvik, The effects of long meditation on plasma melatonin and blood serotonin, Medical Science Monitor, 2004; 10(3): CR96-101.)


Reducing fatigue with Acem Meditation
A study concludes that Acem Meditation may reduce the amount of lactate – one of the main indicators of physical fatigue – after exercise. 31 male runners were randomly divided into one group practising Acem Meditation, one practising autogenic training, and one control group that did not practise anyof the methods. It turned out that after 6 months of meditation training, post-exercise lactate was significantly reduced in the meditation group compared with the control group. (See Solberg EE et al. Stress reactivity and recovery to a standardized exercise bout – a study of 31 runners practising relaxation techniques. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2000; 34:268-272.)


Reducing stress with Acem Meditation
Another study compared the immune system of runners practising Acem Meditation with runners not practising Acem Meditation. Blood samples were drawn before, immediately after (a measure of reactivity to stress), and (as a measure of recovery) two hours after a half-marathon race. Before the race, the meditating runners had lower lymphocyte counts than those who did not practise meditation, perhaps indicating an immune system less influenced by stress. (See Solberg EE, Halvorsen R, Holen A. Effect of meditation on immune cells. Stress Medicine 2000; 16:185-190.)


On target with Acem Meditation
A study showed that marksmen who had learned to meditate improved their results in competition marksmanship. The control group, which had not learned the technique, showed no improvement. The study indicates that Acem Meditation reduces the level of stress in tense and demanding situations. This is obviously of benefit not only for marksmen, but for everyone who confronts stressful situations in their professional careers or other parts of their daily lives. (See “The effect of meditation on shooting performance”, by Solberg EE, Berglund KA, Engen ? Ekeberg ? Loeb M. British Journal of Sports Medicine 1996; 30:1-5)


Better health with Acem Meditation
Acem Meditation has clear physiological effects. When athletes train hard and compete, the immune system is temporarily weakened. A study indicates that runners who practised Acem Meditation for half a year, strengthened their immune systems compared to runners who had not learned to meditate. Acem Meditation reduces the unfavourable effect of stress on the immune system, not only for runners, but for everyone who experiences stress. (See “A modulator of the immune response to physical stress? A brief report”, by Solberg EE, Halvorsen R, Sundgot-Borgen J, Ingjer F, Holen A, British Journal of Sports Medicine 1995; 29:255-57)


On track with Acem Meditation
A constantly changing daily rhythm means that the locomotive engineers often suffer from sleep disorders, and they have a high frequency of heart disease. A study showed that Acem Meditation reduced blood pressure, fatty substances (e.g. cholesterol) in the bloodstream, psychological ailments, as well as improving sleep and the general quality of life. Another technique, called progressive relaxation, also lead to some of these results, but not to the same degree as Acem Meditation. (See “Acem Meditation beneficial for stressed locomotive engineers”, by Pär Westlund, Dyade 2/1993:36-51.)

Keywords: ÜberAcemD, ArtikelD


Unsere Kurslehrer verfügen über langjährige Praxis mit Acem-Meditation, Lehre und Retreats

Achim Schulze Hillert
Achim Schulze Hillert

Moderator in Acem

Dipl. Sozialarbeiter/-pädagoge

Aliénor De Cuypère
Aliénor De Cuypère


Amrei Simon
Amrei Simon



Anders Lindseth
Anders Lindseth

Professor emeritus für Praktische Philosophie an der Nord Universität (Norwegen), lehrt Praktische Philos...

Anders Nesvold
Anders Nesvold

Facharzt für Herzkrankheiten

Anne Grete Hersoug
Anne Grete Hersoug


Acem-Meditation seit 1968
Acem-Kurslehrerin seit 1973
Acem-Kurslehrerin in Deutschland seit 2011<...

Anne Thomte
Anne Thomte

Acem-Kurslehrerin und Leiterin der Acem School of Yoga. Unterrichtet Theater und Tanz am Gymnasium.

Are Holen
Are Holen

Gründer der Acem Meditation und Professor Emeritus der Psychiatrie und Medizinische Psychologie

Psychologe und Arzt

Carina Heimdal
Carina Heimdal

Acem-Kurslehrerin seit 2008
Verantwortlich für PR der Acem Studentgruppe
Politikwissenschaftlerin, Beraterin im Umweltdire...

Carsten Gugel
Carsten Gugel


Christina Schäfers
Christina Schäfers


Arbeitet als Kultur- und Eventmanagerin

und hat Theater- und Literaturwissenschaften studiert.

Christopher Grøndahl
Christopher Grøndahl

Roman- und Drehbuchautor

Côme Ledésert
Côme Ledésert

Ass. Acem-Kurslehrer

Dozent und künstlerischer Forscher

Dag Jenssen
Dag Jenssen

Dr. art., associate professor, Wissenschaftstheorie, Oslo and Akershus University College. Kursleiter in Acem. 

Daniel Roob
Daniel Roob

Consultant und Unternehmer

Elisabeth Heimdal
Elisabeth Heimdal

Sie ist von Ausbildung Ingenieur.

Elke Damian
Elke Damian

Soziologin, Personalentwicklerin

Elsa Roussel
Elsa Roussel

Moderatorin von Acem Schweiz

Doktorantin im Fachbereich Immunology der Embryonalerentwicklung.

Eva Danielsson
Eva Danielsson

Dr. phil., Gymnasiallehrerin

Folke Gravklev
Folke Gravklev

Acem-Meditation seit 1978
Acem-Kurslehrer seit 1984
Acem-Kurslehrer in Deutschland seit 2003
Verantwortlich für Ace...

Gunter Weigand
Gunter Weigand


Geoinformatiker und Stadtplaner

Halvor Eifring
Halvor Eifring

Generalsekretär von Acem International Professor für Chinesisch, Universität Oslo Acem-Meditationslehrer

Heidi Jacobsen
Heidi Jacobsen

Psychologin, PhD

Ina Ulzhöfer
Ina Ulzhöfer

Assistierende Acem-Kurslehrerin
Psychologin (Master of Science) und Gymnasiallehrerin

Jennifer Rattay
Jennifer Rattay


Jurma Jacobsen
Jurma Jacobsen

Acem-Moderator und Softwareentwickler

Karin Eizenhöfer
Karin Eizenhöfer

Acem Kurslehrerin

Karsten Itterbeck
Karsten Itterbeck

Acem-Kurslehrer in Hamburg seit 2021

Acem Meditation seit 2012

Langjährige Erfahrung als Trainer und Personalentwickler

Katha Thommesen-Kähler

Frag mich!

Katha Thommesen-Kähler


Kathrin Sänger


Katrin Thiel
Katrin Thiel

Moderatorin in Acem.


Lilo Woop
Lilo Woop

Moderatorin in Acem.


Marianne Weinhold
Marianne Weinhold


Beraterin Organisationsentwicklung

Markus Haab


Miriam Fritz-Weltin

Frag mich!

Miriam Fritz-Weltin

Acem Moderatorin

Monika Tittel
Monika Tittel


Monika Wirkkala
Monika Wirkkala

Meditationslehrerin in Acem
Abteilungsleiterin beim Schwedischen Institut in Stockholm, Schweden

Acem Meditation seit 19...

Nicole Eva Ohlmann
Nicole Eva Ohlmann

Acem-ass. Kurslehrerin

Ole Gjems-Onstad
Ole Gjems-Onstad

Leiter von Acem International. Dr. iur., Prof. für Steuerrecht, Norwegisches Institut für Verwaltung.

Olga Kuschel
Olga Kuschel

Acem-Moderatorin seit 2009

Wirtschaftsingenieurin & Entspannungspädagogin für Kinder

Petter Halvorsen
Petter Halvorsen


Rita Herzenstiel-Cezanne
Rita Herzenstiel-Cezanne

Assistierende Acem-Kurslehrerin
Pädagogin in der Erwachsenenbildung

Runar Mathisen
Runar Mathisen

Acem-Meditation seit 1979
Acem-Kurslehrer seit 1981
Acem-Kurslehrer in Deutschland seit 2005, Aachen und Hamburg

Siegfried Schubert
Siegfried Schubert

Acem Moderator

Stefan Ukena
Stefan Ukena

Acem-Moderator, Software-Entwickler und Product Owner

Stig Skogseth
Stig Skogseth

Acem Meditation seit 1983
Acem-Kurslehrer seit 1988
Acem-Kurslehrer in Deutschland seit 2009
Unterrichtet in Norweg...

Svein Strømberg
Svein Strømberg


Svend Davanger
Svend Davanger

Professor Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo. Acem Meditation instructor.

Thomas Waldschmidt
Thomas Waldschmidt



Trygve Fridstrøm
Trygve Fridstrøm

Acem-Kurslehrer und Yogalehrer.